

1 person in 5 is concerned

Everyone, at a given time in life, can have their activities and movement affected, long or short term, due to age, illness, accident, work or a personal situation: the visually challenged, hard of hearing, people in wheel chairs, people with difficulty walking or who use canes, etc.

Because Sineu Graff street furniture bring life to the urban space, it is essential to comply with the applicable standards.

Thus, the set of Sineu Graff bollards and posts, whether steel or cast iron, are adapted to regulations for persons with reduced mobility, complying with the minimum height, width and base requirements.

The unlimited choice of colours amongst RAL or Akzonobel colour charts let you customise the caps for the bollards and posts, thus enhancing the contrast needed to make them easy to see in the urban space.

Potelets 3200
Montreuil (93)

Potelets 5200
Argelès-sur-Mer (66)

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