
The comfort of wood: certified and responsible
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The comfort of wood: certified and responsible

Wood, a naturally warm and environmentally responsible material, transforms our public spaces into places of comfort and elegance. Its pleasant feel and smell make every moment spent in its company even more pleasurable.

Diversity and durability of wood species

At Sineu Graff, we offer a variety of wood species, such as ash, larch and hardwood, all sustainably harvested. This approach guarantees the continued regeneration and health of forests, ensuring responsible and sensible sourcing.
Our timber is of the highest quality, and benefits from recognised quality labels:

  • • PEFC to guarantee local origin,
  • • FSC® for our hardwoods, certifying sustainable forest management,
  • • Compliance with the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR), ensuring due diligence.

Sineu Graff: commitment and certifications

Sineu Graff is proudly FSC® and PEFC certified, in line with the FSC® vision: to manage forests to meet today's ecological, social and economic needs, without compromising future generations. Our FSC® chain of custody traces every product from the forest to the consumer, guaranteeing total transparency.

le Bosse - Sineu graff

Local sourcing and processing

Our supplies are planned on an annual basis, giving priority to short distribution channels:

  • •    Ash: European origin (mainly France),
  • •    Larch: European origin,
  • •    Hardwood: from Africa.

Le frêne - Sineu Graff Le Mélèze - Sineu graff

Once received, our timber is fully processed in our workshop in Alsace. Our woodstain treatment line uses advanced industrial technologies to provide high-quality finishes, while optimising the use of resources.

Quality finishes

Wooden parts can be supplied untreated or treated. The treatment consists of an application of an insecticide fungicide primer by flowcoating, followed by two coats of solvent-free water-based woodstain, applied by electrostatic process and steaming.

Optimisation and recycling

We use standard cross-sections for several types of furniture, enabling us to reuse off-cuts. This internal recycling optimises the use of wood and minimises waste. The final residues (shavings, sawdust, dust) are fed into our biomass boiler, providing energy to heat our industrial buildings.

At Sineu Graff, we combine comfort, aesthetics and environmental responsibility. Our commitment to sustainable practices and superior quality makes our products the perfect choice for those who value both well-being and sustainability.

Visit our site to discover how our wood solutions can transform your public spaces into welcoming, environmentally-friendly places.